When a parent goes to prison, the child's life changes forever!

Ambassadors for Hope is the only organization in Lancaster County with the sole function of supporting children as soon as the parent is incarcerated. As a result of the advocacy of Ambassadors for Hope, a fulltime caseworker is available to identify resources to address guardianship issues, medical insurance for the child, financial assistance or food stamps, and other immediate needs.

Ambassadors for Hope looks for ways to involve the child in positive activities by subsidizing before and after school childcare and day camps when needed. We supply age-appropriate books for children and resources for caregivers to help them understand and navigate the criminal justice system. We encourage and facilitate letter writing in order to foster close family contact, which research shows makes it less likely the parent will reoffend.


Ambassadors For Hope will be the premier advocate on behalf of children of incarcerated parents and their families.


AFH identifies needs and advocates solutions for the children of incarcerated parents by:


The Ambassadors for Hope is a community benefit network of agencies and faith based institutions whose sole purpose is strengthening families impacted by incarceration in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Our Mission is to provide information about resources available to strengthen families impacted by incarceration. As a community benefit organization, comprised of various network participants, we value a positive attitude, listening, advocating, educating, networking, and passion to serve children with a parent in prison.

We are committed to the children, caregivers, families, and communities affected by the issue of a parent being incarcerated.

We are a voice for the 3,000 children in Lancaster County who have a parent in prison and often go unnoticed.

We are committed to ending the cycle of crime which affects our community by providing these children, and their caregivers, with the necessary resources to empower communities to be the change they wish to see.

Children Of Incarcerated Parents: A Bill Of Rights

  1. To be kept safe and informed at the time of my parent's arrest.
  2. To be heard when decisions are made about me.
  3. To be considered when decisions are made about my parent.
  4. To be well cared for in my parent's absence.
  5. To speak with, see and touch my parent.
  6. To support as I face my parent's incarceration.
  7. Not to be judged, blamed or labeled.
  8. To a lifelong relationship with my parent.

Ambassadors for Hope:
Serving Children with a Parent in Prison
PO Box 235
Millersville, PA 17551
Email: ambforhope@gmail.com

Ambassadors for Hope Advisory Council
Mary Glazier, Chair
Tracy Rennecker, Treasurer
Jen Strasenburgh, Secretary
Derrick Burch
Tara Loew
Amy Marenick
Samantha Sweigart

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